Released on the day of the inauguration, some say of the end of the world”

Click to stream or download "The Whole Day"

The Second EP from The Pistol Gang & The Preacher

With a mix of hard, fast punky garage rock that you can dance to, Pistol Gang are a band who’s music you have to hear ...  - full of blood, sweat and tears. It’s not for the faint of heart. Lead by the guitar wielding and throat shredding Sam LeGassick, backed up by Matt Jarman and Rich Keeble on bass and drums... Read More...

2009's "Bury Them" EP is out on general release, including: Spotify, iTunes & The Other Place



"Edgy indie rock with wired vox and urgent Sonic Youth guitars …short sharp and to the point, the playing uncluttered, elements of PIL and Gang of 4, we say they sound like they're on the up" - BugBear Promotions
Captured in full, TPGATP's latest comeback show at the 2015 DSI Xmas Party 
Visit The Pistol Gang & The Preacher on Facebook & Twitter